Postpartum Chiropractic

Postpartum Chiropractic and Support

How soon can new mothers receive chiropractic care?

We often recommend that new mothers come by as soon as they feel ready. Some mothers may feel they need treatment as soon as they are released from the hospital. 

Birth is stressful on the body, no matter the type. After birth, the pelvic biomechanics shift, which may cause great discomfort while performing basic activities like walking. On top of that, the many tasks of a mother (breast and bottle feeding, carrying a car seat, etc) can be both physically taxing and a big change to your biomechanics. These changes, along with the continued release of the hormone “relaxin”, can cause an imbalance in muscles and ligaments.

Diastasis recti and pelvic floor healing

After birth, new mothers are prone to injury because the abdominal muscles take time to heal. Leading up to birth, the abdominal muscles separate to allow room for the uterus and baby. However, when those muscles separate too much, it’s a condition called diastatis recti. We check for your healing progress and will refer you to a pelvic floor specialist if needed, to help your abdominal muscles recover.

Our goal is to restore proper balance in the pelvis and spine to aid in your postpartum recovery, so you can better enjoy your baby and continue rocking your role as a super mom. 

Postpartum Depression Screening

Dr. Bronson feels strongly about supporting women’s mental, as well as physical, health. We perform routine postpartum depression screenings beginning at six weeks and through about six months after birth.


Process of Treatment

When adjusting the pelvis and sacrum, Dr. Bronson looks for misalignment and tenderness on one or both sides. The pelvis is a circle made up of three bones (two ilium and a sacrum) and three joints (two sacroiliac joints and the pubic symphysis). The Webster Technique deals with all the joints of the pelvis.

As a new mother, plenty of activities can cause stress to your body. Carrying the baby, dealing with a stroller and car seat, and other tasks can cause the gluteus and piriformis muscles to tighten. The first step in treatment is to help release these muscles so that alignment can occur.

Special techniques can help release hip flexors and the round ligaments surrounding the pelvis, allowing for more range of motion and a reduction in general discomfort.

Increased weight and stress on mothers’ backs is a frequent source of discomfort. Dr. Bronson will adjust the full spine as needed with gentle techniques to reduce post-adjustment soreness.

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