
Newborn to 18 months. A Child’s Developmental Milestones to Watch

Newborn to 18 months. A Child’s Developmental Milestones to Watch Our nervous system develops in phases, much like building a house. Kids develop in stages identified by developmental milestones. When children experience issues with speech, social challenges, or sensory problems, we can help identify what is happening and work to

Chiropractic for Children?

Chiropractic for Children? by William B. Bronson, DBA If you’ve ever wondered if chiropractic is for children, I have a story for you. The very first feeling I had when my wife said I was going to be a father, was fear. Fear that I wouldn’t be a good dad,
chiropractic for children

Can Chiropractic Help with a Breech Baby?

Can Chiropractic Help with a Breech Baby? Our first baby of 2023 flipped its head down after only three special Webster adjustments from Dr. Bronson! Dr. Bronson is Webster certified and takes the time and care to help pregnant mothers feel their best and help the baby naturally. It’s important

Chiropractic Helps Your Heart?

Chiropractic Helps Your Heart? Yes. It turns out chiropractic helps your heart. February is American Heart Month, but it should be something we all take seriously all year long. Just as January is when people usually kick off their new year’s resolutions, February is a time when many people have

Gentle Infant Adjustments Using the Activator Technique

Gentle Infant Adjustments Using the Activator Technique The Activator Method is one of the most widely researched chiropractic techniques and the only instrument-adjusting technique with 26 clinical trials to support its efficacy. Activator Methods has published hundreds of clinical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, worked with major academic research institutions, and received grants

Tis the Season for Allergies

Tis the Season for Allergies Allergies can grind our daily lives to a halt. We wanted to bring you some very timely information because it’s still wintertime, which for many can bring with it illnesses and allergies. Winter comes with seasonal allergies because of drastic weather changes, daylight hours change,

Back to School Challenges

Back to school is here, which comes with the challenge of getting kids to focus on school work and get back into the learning mode. On the surface, it seems like a good idea to use gimmicks like fidget spinners, instrumental music, etc. But there may be more going on

Does Your Child Have Anxiety?

Does your child have anxiety? The pandemic brought many things to light that were in the shadows. For many, it caused things like depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues to rise to the surface and cause problems. For so many, school and seeing friends kept problems at bay, but mandating

The History of Pumpkin Pie

The History of Pumpkin Pie It’s hard to imagine Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie. But pumpkin isn’t something we normally eat. So how did it become so important in a pie at Thanksgiving? Here are some guesses: Pumpkins were left over from Halloween and we had to do something with them.

Top 3 Ways the Fall Season May Come with Holiday Behavioral Challenges

Holiday behavioral challenges affect many people. Here are some explanations and things you can do to help. You may notice your child and others having more trouble with their anxiety, ADD, ADHD, or other sensory conditions during the fall months, when they seem relatively fine the rest of the year.

What is the Vagus Nerve and Why is it Important?

Patient Case: Greg, 50 Symptoms: Trouble sleeping, difficulty losing weight, severe depression, anxiety, constipation, and feelings of exhaustion. Scans showed his Vagus Nerve was not functioning properly. Greg was stuck in sympathetic dominance, which is fight/flight. His nervous system was not in a state of ease and rest. Photos compare

Developmental Milestones

Some children have problems with their developmental milestones. Things like standing, walking, rolling over, sitting up, and crawling all have rough estimates of when children should be doing them.  But when a child’s developmental milestones are delayed, many parents and health providers simply hope for the best and encourage delayed

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